Conference Theme ICACI-2023

This conference is aimed at providing Academicians, Scientists, Policymakers, Data engineers, Research Scholars, and Students under a common platform to interact and showcase various dimensions related to Data Science, Machine Intelligence, and IoT. In addition, it also offers the participants an overview of a wide range of applications of data engineering across various fields like Data Mining, Artificial Intelligence, Natural Language Processing, Pattern Recognition, Machine Learning, etc. This also provides professionals with an opportunity to present their works and ideas. The conference will feature plenary talks by Eminent Academicians and Engineers. This International Conference ICACI-2023 is being hosted by Department of Information Technology during 15- 16th December, 2023 at MVSR Engineering College, Hyderabad. Papers will be selected after double-blind peer-review for acceptance for Conference. Accepted papers published in Springer Lecture Series Communications in Computer and Information Science.

Conference Topics

Conference invites papers on the following topics from the authors in the following areas:
->Data Science and IoT for Intelligent Systems
->Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Industrial Applications.
->Trusted Computing for Intelligent Systems. And any other area which is relevant to Computational Intelligent Systems.


Authors are invited to submit their conference papers using the following link: Click Here

Author Instructions : Click Here

ICACI 2023 Conference bouchere : Click Here


All the accepted and registered papers will be published in Springer Lecture Series Communications in Computer and Information Science Indexed by Scopus, EI Compendex, INSPEC, DBLP, SCImago